Sunday, September 19, 2010



Belle said...

Nice ! I like the far wind thing (excuse my english!) far behind the water.

I had this idea that you could pick a theme up, and make your followers email you pictures of that theme. Then you could post them in a kind of special :) Just like your mystery theme but kind of opposit lol and open it up to people who like your blog.

It could be interesting :)

Sam said...

Love your photos and the different way you both see the world :) said...

I love both these photos!
I can't work out which one I prefer!
This is such an original blog


Rachel said...

Wow - how cool. Stumbled upon this. I almost feel like there's a book idea here. Beautiful pix and lovely idea. Agree- having readers post their own interpretations (just every once in a while) would be neat too.

Rachel Federman said...

Oh I see further down you do have guest bloggers. Amazingly beautiful site.

Terry said...

Happy Sunday ladies! Love the blue water and the windmill, and I love the sheets blowing in the wind on the line too. You two always make me smile on Sunday mornings! :0)

crystal said...


Barbara said...

I love the Scottish landscape :) Is that your own laundry, Kia (very indiscreet question *g*)?

Deb's Creative Art said...

I love the right the best, looks like OCEAN...and I love my Ocean... do you find any sea glass?

love it.. :)

Jaana and Kia said...

Thanks again for your compliments, people! And what comes to guest bloggers... we are in fact planning a little something, but more about that later in the year. ;)

Pearl said...

Line-dried sheets are some of my favorite things...


F said...

I love this idea. If I had been given this assignment, for the word "wind" I would have walked out to the beach and taken photos of the windsurfers.

Jeffrey and Flora: Living in Singapore

Anonymous said...

come back and follow my blogging.. Thanks :)

SecretBlue said...

I adore this blog - it is really wonderful and inspiring!!! Thak you for doing it.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't wind carry with it words and thoughts from someone very dear to our hearts?

Carmen and Rachelle said...

love the clothes line photo!

Unknown said...

Kia nailed the the theme here.

Janie said...

Wonderful post. The sheet flowing in the breeze, you great sunsets. Very nice. I will be back.